More than a billion eggs come from laying hens kept by Eureden Group farmers, using either conventional or alternative methods (Label Rouge or organic).
chicken farmers
million eggs sold
Our technical teams provide health, technical and regulatory monitoring of farmers in order to guarantee fully traced, high-quality eggs. Since our animal welfare compliance work in 2012, the co-operative’s support has turned more towards adapting livestock buildings to meet the requirements of the egg market, namely the shift to alternative production methods.
The eggs produced by Eureden’s members are sold to French egg industrialists and manufacturers of egg products via the Group’s producer organisation or via our subsidiary Nutréa. In addition, the products are marketed to the food service market and for export, but also under discount labels through La Ferme de Kervenac’h. This farm is responsible for packaging shell eggs before they are marketed under its brand name.
In response to its consumers, the egg sector developed a model by adapting to societal expectations. Complete control of the sector, from farm to table, along with compliance with ISO 22000 (the international food safety standard) and a strict quality policy, guarantee that fresh and extra-fresh eggs will be used to create our egg-based products.