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Heading for organic !

Published on 28 March 2022

On the occasion of a great evening organised on 24 March in Carhaix, the teams of the Eureden and Agro Bio Pinault organic sectors unveiled a new common organic brand created by and for organic farmers: "Cap'AB - the meaning of organic". The objective? To create a new identity to represent, federate and support organic producers, sectors and projects on the territory.

Organic farming, a strategic stake 

Organic farming is a real axis of growth and development for the Eureden group which wishes to take its place on this market and to accompany, in the long term, its members and customers who have chosen organic farming. 

Today, the “Cap’AB” community counts nearly 2,000 farmers and 30 dedicated employees, including 8 sales technicians, for a support close to the field.

Organic sectors, in each of the group’s businesses, are structured to enhance the value of all production, particularly through strong brands (Paysan Breton, d’aucy, Cocotine, etc.). The idea of the “Cap’AB” brand is also to facilitate and strengthen the links between farmers (upstream) and the sectors and brands (downstream).

Today, Cap’AB farmers represent :

  • 20,000 tonnes of cereals collected (30% of which are destined for human consumption)
  • 7,000 tonnes of vegetables in Brittany and 15,000 tonnes including partner POs 
    • 13 million eggs 
    • 128 beef cattle 
    • 5.6 million litres of milk
    • a first pork butchery farm in 2023

A new brand full of meaning!

In perfect coherence with the philosophy of organic production, the brand itself respects the principles of eco-branding: eco-police, eco-colour, eco-design web while remaining impactful!

Through this logo, Cap’AB affirms the 3 values of its brand territory

  • Organic farming as a source of inspiration: the course to follow
  • Organic farming as an element of transformation of our society: the AB lettering represents a butterfly, symbol of change, evolution…
  • Organic farming as a force for change “CapAB”: “capable”.

The baseline “the meaning of organic” which echoes the term “cap” reinforces the will of all to go in the right direction in a sustainable way!


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