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Eureden: Birth of Brittany’s leading agri-food co-op

Published on 13 December 2019

The Eureden merger has just been approved by the farmers representing the CECAB/D’Aucy and Triskalia co-operatives. The merger will be effective as of 1 January 2020. This new co-operative agri-food group, the fruit of two years of constructive collaboration, aims to achieve an international influence whilst remaining true to its Breton roots. Its commitment: to promote healthy, responsible food.

Merger effective as of 1 January 2020

The members’ representatives approved the planned merger during the respective general meetings of the Cecab/D’Aucy and Triskalia co-ops. Effective 1 January next, this merger is the result of two years of intensive work, backed by the strong commitment of the board directors, the members and the staff. It is an ambitious project for both groups and for Brittany, that will enable our accelerated development while responding to the new challenges and issues facing the worlds of agriculture, agri-food and agroecology.


A commitment to healthy, responsible food

The signature, “The land unites us”, expresses the true meaning of the collective commitment of our agricultural business to promoting healthy, responsible food. Eureden will be attentive to the expectations of society today. Our co-operative model and the proximity of our members to our employees will allow us to respond to the four major trends of changing consumer patterns and behaviours, expectations in terms of farming practices and environmental protection, changing distribution models and the development of digital technologies.


Brittany is our head office

Our vision of Eureden is synonymous with our proclaimed regional roots. The decision was made not to have a single head office, but rather to bank on a decentralized organization spread across the region. A Maison Commune (communal office) in Quimperlé will be a space for meetings, discussions and sharing, a far cry from a traditional head office. It is arranged in an open plan, dedicated to collaboration and well-suited for nomadic workers.


International influence

Eureden will be open to the world from a perspective of market penetration. Internationalization is a decisive issue in view of the globalization of markets, competitors and clients. This development will allow us to penetrate new markets and attain critical mass.

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